Saturday, June 26, 2010

First Deadline Was a Bit of a Flop...

As you well may be able to tell, we have not started discussion. In fact, I believe we are still missing a member of the group. Unfortunately, I have not finished the book. Therefore, a few items of business that should be completed:

1. Decide a date upon which discussion will actually begin.
2. Select a leader for discussion (my vote is for Laura, since she's probably the only one who's read the book so far)
and finally
3. Get our third author on our blog.


Ex Libris,

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tentative Reading List (Negotiable, of course)

To Kill A Mockingbird
The Scarlet Letter
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Murder on the Orient Express
Brave New World
The Time Traveler's Wife
The Help
The Secret Life of Bees
Catcher in the Rye
The Sound and the Fury
Ender's Game
Sense and Sensibility
Daughter of the Forest
Gulliver's Travels
Tuck Everlasting
The Hero and the Crown
The Lovely Bones
The Hobbit

Saturday, June 5, 2010


This blog belongs to three women--Courtney, Laura, and Katie--each dedicated to a love of reading and to the detailed analysis of literature. Since we are separated geographically, we have decided to use this blog as a discussion forum for the works we read. The first order of business (i.e. first book on the list): To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Discussion will commence on June 21, 2010. Unless of course, we finish it sooner.

But first, an analysis on why this particular book club is important. I mean, why on earth do bookclubs exist? I will tell you (partially)! It's because people like Courtney (soon to be joined by Laura, and eventually Katie) spend four (+) years in college, analysing and discussing literature as English majors, only to graduate, and discover that no one outside other English majors cares one fig for the analysis of literature. Therefore, since each of us enjoys this particular pasttime so much, we feel it necessary to continue the fun long after tassles have been turned and diplomas received.

There are always new things to be discovered within the pages of a book. A scholar's work is never done, particularly amatuer scholars such as ourselves. Therefore, we dedicate this blog to the continued expansion of our minds, and to the honorable pursuit of enlightenment.

Ex Libris,

Courtney, Laura, Katie